• Sabato 28 Aprile

    h. 15.00


    Casa del Cinema

  • Regia di Adelina Anthony, USA 2017, 10’

    Cortometraggio – PRIMA EUROPEA


Due lesbiche anziane si amano in una casa di riposo, ma il loro progetto di unirsi in matrimonio è ostacolato dall’arrivo improvviso della figlia di una di loro, convinta che la madre sia stata plagiata dall’altra donna. La figlia decide di portare via la madre dalla struttura, ma grazie alla solidarietà e alla complicità del personale il sogno d’amore delle due donne riuscirà a realizzarsi.

Replica Domenica 29 aprile
h. 14.30 SALA VOLONTE’
Programma The Shorts – Fusion

The action is set in a senior residence home in the United States, where Lupita and Ramona, two old queer women, are preparing theirwedding. But they’ll have to struggle to enshrine their love in a marriage, because of the strong opposition of Lupita’s daughter. Everything will work out thanks to the help of a lovely nursing home assistant Adelina Anthony, the author, told she wanted to see the story of two lesbian Latina elder on a screen, because she thinks our queer elders and their difficult stories, are rarely on screen, first of all if they are people of color. With this film she pays homage to the queer elders in her life. She tells, “As soon as I decided I was going to put a Latina lesbian elder and her female fiancée at the center of the story, I decided to imagine them in a senior residence home, because it’s where many of our seniors end up living the last years of their lives.”