• Sabato 28 Aprile

    h. 15.00


    Casa del Cinema

  • Regia di Payal Sethi, India 2016, 27’



A Hyderabad, una donna sta aspettando un personaggio importante. Al suo arrivo, gli mostra un album in cui compaiono foto di ragazzine. L’adolescente Zainab viene offerta in matrimonio a un uomo molto più grande di lei per 50.000 rupie. La sorella maggiore di Zainab, Raisa, decide di salvarla ricorrendo a un rimedio tradizionale offertole da una donna anziana. Vengono così affrontati argomenti di grande importanza: l’ossessione degli Indiani per la verginità e la grandissima diffusione in India del fenomeno delle “spose per un giorno”.

Replica Domenica 29 aprile

h.14.30 SALA VOLONTé

Programma The Shorts – Fusion

In the ancient city of Hyderabad, Raisa does everything is possible to save her little thirteen-year-old sister from a “one-day-marriage” with a foreign businessman, by means of a strange and dangerous trick.

The opening scene is situated in a lobby, where an old woman, is waiting for a big shot. She welcomes him showing a photo album featuring many young girls. It sounds like an audition to choose an actress or a top model, but it’s something very different and really stunning. The man chooses one of the images. It’s a teenage girl, Zainab and she’s promised in marriage for Rs 50.000 to an evidently older man. Everything happens with her mother’s complicity. Fortunately, Zainab’s older sister Raisa, being played by Sayani Gupta, decides to save her younger sister by devising a secret trick, that involves a disturbing old wife’s remedy. Set in the royal city of Hyderabad, this film addresses two main subjects: India’s obsession with virginity and the prevalence of one-day-brides in many a common remedy for.