Dal 1981 al 1996, il “Pelze Multimedia”, famigerato spazio della sottocultura lesbica di Berlino Ovest, ha ospitato mostre d’arte, concerti di musica sperimentale, performance e feste. Il documentario presenta le interviste alle tre responsabili del locale, Katharina Voß, Janin Afken e Mahide Lein insieme a un ricco materiale d’archivio, facendo rivivere questo luogo unico di Berlino.
From 1981 to 1996, the infamous lesbian-run West Berlin subculture space ‘Pelze Multimedia’ for women and lesbians in an initially squatted building in Schöneberg hosted art shows, experimental music, and parties. In their film ‘Subject Spaces’, Katharina Voß and Janin Afken pay tribute to this venue and the way it fostered a community of free expression among lesbian artists and cultural producers at the time. Interviews with three showrunners, combined with rich archive material, make this unique place come back to life.